
Before building the base GRN, we need to annotate the coaccessible peaks and filter our active promoter/enhancer elements. First, we will identify the peaks around transcription starting sites (TSS). We will then merge the Cicero data with the TSS peak information and filter any peaks with weak connections to the TSS peaks. As such, the filtered peak data will only include TSS peaks and peaks with strong TSS connections. These will be our active promoter/enhancer elements for our base GRN.

Notebook file

Notebook file is available on CellOracle GitHub page. https://github.com/morris-lab/CellOracle/blob/master/docs/notebooks/01_ATAC-seq_data_processing/option1_scATAC-seq_data_analysis_with_cicero/02_preprocess_peak_data.ipynb

0. Import libraries

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline

import seaborn as sns

import os, sys, shutil, importlib, glob
from tqdm.notebook import tqdm

from celloracle import motif_analysis as ma
import celloracle as co
2023-01-20 17:19:19,057 [7367] WARNING  py.warnings:99: [JupyterRequire] /home/k/anaconda3/envs/pandas1/lib/python3.6/site-packages/requests/__init__.py:91: RequestsDependencyWarning:

urllib3 (1.26.9) or chardet (3.0.4) doesn't match a supported version!

%config InlineBackend.figure_format = 'retina'

plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = [6, 4.5]
plt.rcParams["savefig.dpi"] = 300

1. Load scATAC peak data and peak connection data made with Cicero

In this notebook, we will annotate and filter output from Cicero. Please refer to the previous step to learn about data preparation with Cicero. https://morris-lab.github.io/CellOracle.documentation/tutorials/base_grn.html#step1-scatac-seq-analysis-with-cicero

Here, we will use the preprocessed fetal brain scATAC-seq data from step 1.

You can download the demo file by running the following command.

Note: If the download fails, please manually download and unzip the data. https://raw.githubusercontent.com/morris-lab/CellOracle/master/docs/demo_data/all_peaks.csv


# Download file.
!wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/morris-lab/CellOracle/master/docs/demo_data/all_peaks.csv
!wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/morris-lab/CellOracle/master/docs/demo_data/cicero_connections.csv

# If you are using macOS, please try the following command.
#!curl -O https://raw.githubusercontent.com/morris-lab/CellOracle/master/docs/demo_data/all_peaks.csv
#!curl -O https://raw.githubusercontent.com/morris-lab/CellOracle/master/docs/demo_data/cicero_connections.csv

--2023-01-20 17:19:21--  https://raw.githubusercontent.com/morris-lab/CellOracle/master/docs/demo_data/all_peaks.csv
Resolving raw.githubusercontent.com (raw.githubusercontent.com)...,,, ...
Connecting to raw.githubusercontent.com (raw.githubusercontent.com)||:443... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 2940392 (2.8M) [text/plain]
Saving to: ‘all_peaks.csv’

all_peaks.csv       100%[===================>]   2.80M  --.-KB/s    in 0.03s

2023-01-20 17:19:22 (92.3 MB/s) - ‘all_peaks.csv’ saved [2940392/2940392]

--2023-01-20 17:19:22--  https://raw.githubusercontent.com/morris-lab/CellOracle/master/docs/demo_data/cicero_connections.csv
Resolving raw.githubusercontent.com (raw.githubusercontent.com)...,,, ...
Connecting to raw.githubusercontent.com (raw.githubusercontent.com)||:443... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 22749615 (22M) [text/plain]
Saving to: ‘cicero_connections.csv’

cicero_connections. 100%[===================>]  21.70M   109MB/s    in 0.2s

2023-01-20 17:19:23 (109 MB/s) - ‘cicero_connections.csv’ saved [22749615/22749615]

# Load scATAC-seq peak list.
peaks = pd.read_csv("all_peaks.csv", index_col=0)
peaks = peaks.x.values
array(['chr10_100006139_100006389', 'chr10_100015291_100017830',
       'chr10_100018677_100020384', ..., 'chrY_90804622_90805450',
       'chrY_90808626_90809117', 'chrY_90810560_90811167'], dtype=object)
# Load Cicero coaccessibility scores.
cicero_connections = pd.read_csv("cicero_connections.csv", index_col=0)
Peak1 Peak2 coaccess
1 chr10_100006139_100006389 chr10_99774288_99774570 -0.003546
2 chr10_100006139_100006389 chr10_99825945_99826237 -0.027536
3 chr10_100006139_100006389 chr10_99830012_99830311 0.009588
4 chr10_100006139_100006389 chr10_99833211_99833540 -0.008067
5 chr10_100006139_100006389 chr10_99941805_99941955 0.000000

2. Annotate transcription start sites (TSSs)¶

If your scATAC-seq data was generated with mm10 reference genome, please set ref_genome="mm10".

You can check supported reference genome using ma.SUPPORTED_REF_GENOME

If your reference genome is not in the list, please send a request to us through CellOracle GitHub issue page.

species ref_genome provider
0 Human hg38 UCSC
1 Human hg19 UCSC
2 Mouse mm39 UCSC
3 Mouse mm10 UCSC
4 Mouse mm9 UCSC
5 S.cerevisiae sacCer2 UCSC
6 S.cerevisiae sacCer3 UCSC
7 Zebrafish danRer7 UCSC
8 Zebrafish danRer10 UCSC
9 Zebrafish danRer11 UCSC
10 Xenopus xenTro2 UCSC
11 Xenopus xenTro3 UCSC
12 Rat rn4 UCSC
13 Rat rn5 UCSC
14 Rat rn6 UCSC
15 Drosophila dm3 UCSC
16 Drosophila dm6 UCSC
17 C.elegans ce6 UCSC
18 C.elegans ce10 UCSC
19 Arabidopsis TAIR10 Ensembl
20 Chicken galGal4 UCSC
21 Chicken galGal5 UCSC
22 Chicken galGal6 UCSC
23 Guinea_Pig Cavpor3.0 Ensembl
24 Axolotl AmexG_v6.0-DD Axolotl-omics.org
##!! Please make sure to specify the correct reference genome here
tss_annotated = ma.get_tss_info(peak_str_list=peaks, ref_genome="mm10")

# Check results
que bed peaks: 86935
tss peaks in que: 17238
chr start end gene_short_name strand
17233 chr1 55130650 55132118 Mob4 +
17234 chr6 94499875 94500767 Slc25a26 +
17235 chr19 45659222 45660823 Fbxw4 -
17236 chr12 100898848 100899597 Gpr68 -
17237 chr4 129491262 129492047 Fam229a -

3. Integrate TSS info and cicero connections

The output file after the integration process has three columns: ["peak_id", "gene_short_name", "coaccess"].

  • “peak_id” is either the TSS peak or the peaks that have a connection to a TSS peak.

  • “gene_short_name” is the gene name that associated with the TSS site.

  • “coaccess” is the coaccessibility score between the peak and a TSS peak. If the score is 1, it means that the peak is a TSS itself.

integrated = ma.integrate_tss_peak_with_cicero(tss_peak=tss_annotated,
(44309, 3)
peak_id gene_short_name coaccess
0 chr10_100006139_100006389 Tmtc3 0.017915
1 chr10_100015291_100017830 Kitl 1.000000
2 chr10_100018677_100020384 Kitl 0.146517
3 chr10_100050858_100051762 Kitl 0.069751
4 chr10_100052829_100053395 Kitl 0.202670

4. Filter peaks

Remove peaks with weak coaccessibility scores.

peak = integrated[integrated.coaccess >= 0.8]
peak = peak[["peak_id", "gene_short_name"]].reset_index(drop=True)
(15779, 2)
peak_id gene_short_name
0 chr10_100015291_100017830 Kitl
1 chr10_100486534_100488209 Tmtc3
2 chr10_100588641_100589556 4930430F08Rik
3 chr10_100741247_100742505 Gm35722
4 chr10_101681379_101682124 Mgat4c

5. Save data

Save the promoter/enhancer peaks.


Please go to next step: Transcriptoin factor motif scan


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