
This notebook is an example R script on how to prepare the input data prior to building a base GRN. Here, we use Cicero to extract the cis-regulatory connections between scATAC-seq peaks.

Notebook file

This notebook is available on CellOracle’s GitHub page as this jupyter notebook (with R kernel) or an R notebook. The notebooks are identical. Please use whichever one you prefer.


  • This notebook is intended to demonstrate data preprocessing steps prior to starting a CellOracle analysis. CellOracle is NOT used in this notebook, and this notebook is not the CellOracle analysis.

  • Here, we will use Cicero to process scATAC-seq data. If you are new to this packages, pelase review the Cicero’s documentation to learn the basic process of Cicero in advance.

  • Cicero documentation: https://cole-trapnell-lab.github.io/cicero-release/docs_m3/

  • The R library, cicero and monocle3 is NOT the part of celloracle package. Please install them yourself if you use this notebook.

0. Import library


1. Download data

This tutorial uses fetal brain scATAC-seq data from a 10x Genomics database. If you’re using your own scATAC-seq data, you will not need to download this dataset.

You can download the demo file with the following command.

Note: If the file download fails, please manually download and unzip the data. http://cf.10xgenomics.com/samples/cell-atac/1.1.0/atac_v1_E18_brain_fresh_5k/atac_v1_E18_brain_fresh_5k_filtered_peak_bc_matrix.tar.gz

# Create folder to store data

# Download demo dataset from 10x genomics
download.file(url = "http://cf.10xgenomics.com/samples/cell-atac/1.1.0/atac_v1_E18_brain_fresh_5k/atac_v1_E18_brain_fresh_5k_filtered_peak_bc_matrix.tar.gz",
              destfile = "data/matrix.tar.gz")
# Unzip data
system("tar -xvf data/matrix.tar.gz -C data")
# You can substitute the data path below to your scATAC-seq data.
data_folder <- "data/filtered_peak_bc_matrix"

# Create a folder to save results
output_folder <- "cicero_output"

2. Load data and make Cell Data Set (CDS) object

# Read in matrix data using the Matrix package
indata <- Matrix::readMM(paste0(data_folder, "/matrix.mtx"))
# Binarize the matrix
indata@x[indata@x > 0] <- 1

# Format cell info
cellinfo <- read.table(paste0(data_folder, "/barcodes.tsv"))
row.names(cellinfo) <- cellinfo$V1
names(cellinfo) <- "cells"

# Format peak info
peakinfo <- read.table(paste0(data_folder, "/peaks.bed"))
names(peakinfo) <- c("chr", "bp1", "bp2")
peakinfo$site_name <- paste(peakinfo$chr, peakinfo$bp1, peakinfo$bp2, sep="_")
row.names(peakinfo) <- peakinfo$site_name

row.names(indata) <- row.names(peakinfo)
colnames(indata) <- row.names(cellinfo)

# Make CDS
input_cds <-  suppressWarnings(new_cell_data_set(indata,
cell_metadata = cellinfo,
gene_metadata = peakinfo))

input_cds <- monocle3::detect_genes(input_cds)

#Ensure there are no peaks included with zero reads
input_cds <- input_cds[Matrix::rowSums(exprs(input_cds)) != 0,]

3. Qauality check and Filtering

# Visualize peak_count_per_cell
# Filter cells by peak_count
# Please set an appropriate threshold values according to your data
max_count <-  15000
min_count <- 2000
input_cds <- input_cds[,Matrix::colSums(exprs(input_cds)) >= min_count]
input_cds <- input_cds[,Matrix::colSums(exprs(input_cds)) <= max_count]

4. Process Cicero-CDS object

# Data preprocessing

input_cds <- detect_genes(input_cds)
input_cds <- estimate_size_factors(input_cds)
input_cds <- preprocess_cds(input_cds, method = "LSI")

# Dimensional reduction with umap
input_cds <- reduce_dimension(input_cds, reduction_method = 'UMAP',
                              preprocess_method = "LSI")
umap_coords <- reducedDims(input_cds)$UMAP

cicero_cds <- make_cicero_cds(input_cds, reduced_coordinates = umap_coords)

# Save Cds object (Optional)
#saveRDS(cicero_cds, paste0(output_folder, "/cicero_cds.Rds"))

Overlap QC metrics:
Cells per bin: 50
Maximum shared cells bin-bin: 44
Mean shared cells bin-bin: 0.84960828849071
Median shared cells bin-bin: 0

5. Load reference genome information

To run Cicero, you need to get a genomic coordinate file that contains the length of each chromosome. You can download the mm10 genomic information with the following command.

If your scATAC-seq data was generated with a different reference genome, you will need to get the genome coordinates file for the reference genome you used. See the Cicero documentation for more information.


# !!Please make sure that the reference genome information below matches your scATAC-seq reference genome.

# If your scATAC-seq was aligned to the mm10 reference genome, you can read the chromosome length file using the following command.
download.file(url = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/morris-lab/CellOracle/master/docs/demo_data/mm10_chromosome_length.txt",
              destfile = "./mm10_chromosome_length.txt")
chromosome_length <- read.table("./mm10_chromosome_length.txt")

# For mm9 genome, you can use the following command.
#chromosome_length <- mouse.mm9.genome

# For hg19 genome, you can use the following command.
#chromosome_length <- mhuman.hg19.genome

6. Run Cicero

# Run the main function
conns <- run_cicero(cicero_cds, chromosome_length) # Takes a few minutes to run

# Save results (Optional)
#saveRDS(conns, paste0(output_folder, "/cicero_connections.Rds"))

# Check results
A data.frame: 6 × 3
1chr10_100006139_100006389chr10_99774288_99774570 -0.003546179
2chr10_100006139_100006389chr10_99825945_99826237 -0.027536333
3chr10_100006139_100006389chr10_99830012_99830311 0.009588013
4chr10_100006139_100006389chr10_99833211_99833540 -0.008067111
5chr10_100006139_100006389chr10_99941805_99941955 0.000000000

7. Save results for the next step

all_peaks <- row.names(exprs(input_cds))
write.csv(x = all_peaks, file = paste0(output_folder, "/all_peaks.csv"))
write.csv(x = conns, file = paste0(output_folder, "/cicero_connections.csv"))

Please go to next step: TSS annotation


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