.. _scrnaprocess: scRNA-seq data preparation ========================== Overview -------- Before starting a CellOracle analysis, the scRNA-seq data must be preprocessed. Please prepare the scRNA-seq data as an `anndata object` using Scanpy. .. note:: Scanpy is a python toolkit for scRNA-seq data analysis. If you are new to Scanpy, please read the documentation to learn it in advance. - scanpy documentation: https://scanpy.readthedocs.io/en/stable/ - anndata documentation: https://anndata.readthedocs.io/en/latest/ .. warning:: In this section, we will introduce an example of how to prepare the **input data** for CellOracle analysis. **This is NOT the CellOracle analysis itself.** We do NOT use CellOracle in this scRNA-seq data preprocessing steps. A. scRNA-seq data preprocessing with Scanpy ------------------------------------------- Please download the notebook from `here `_ . Or please click below to view the content. .. toctree:: ../notebooks/03_scRNA-seq_data_preprocessing/scanpy_preprocessing_with_Paul_etal_2015_data B. scRNA-seq data preprocessing with Seurat ------------------------------------------- R notebook ... comming in the future update. .. note:: If you used ``Seurat`` for preprocessing, you will need to convert your Seurat object into an anndata object. CellOracle has a python API and command-line API to help users with this data conversion. Please go to the documentation of CellOracle's API documentation for more information.